Social Media News and Statistics

Read a colllection of latest and global social media news, statistics, innovations and trends. For practical reasons, we skip general social media news that can easily be found everywhere on the internet. Instead we focus on some special news that have some structural relation to social media.

Most Popular Social Networks Worldwide as of January 2019

Below is a chart showing 15 most popular social networks worldwide as of November 2018. The data is based on the number of monthly active users for each social network. The data is in millions. Compared with earlier statistics for social media field, the below data shows that social media giant Facebook is still the leader, closely followed by Youtube. Another interesting finding would be that there seems to be a harsh competition between Instagram and WeChat, both of which now have one billion users. All in all, 5 social networks have now hit above the billion monthly users.

Social Media Rank

General Social Media Statistics for 2019

The General Social Media Statistics for 2019 data focuses on statistics of social networks from various aspects. The data is provided for the major social networks such as Facabook, Youtube, Instagram, WhatsApp, Google+, Twitter, Snapchat, Reddit, Linkedin, Pinterest, Tumblr and Periscope (now part of Twitter). The data variables include; monthly active users, daily active users, year of foundation, content (post, photo, video etc) creation amount or speed, user growth rate and some other data specific to each social network.

General Social Media Statistics for 2019

Source: Dustin TV Social Media Statistics

Social Media List monitors the social media world. For a complete list of all social networks in the world, go to our homepage.