Social Media Usage Exposed - Top 20 Strange and Disturbing Behaviors

Social Media Usage Exposed - Top 20 Strange and Disturbing Behaviors

With over 3.5 billion users worldwide, social media has become a platform for people to connect, share, and interact with each other. However, with the rise of social media, we have also seen some strange and bizarre user behaviors that are worth discussing. Let's explore the top 20 weird social media user behaviors that have left us scratching our heads.


Humblebragging is a type of social media behavior where a person tries to disguise their bragging as modesty or self-deprecation. It often involves sharing a post or a story that appears to be negative or self-critical, but actually reveals a personal accomplishment, positive trait, or privileged status.

For example, someone might post a photo of themselves with a caption like "Ugh, can't believe I have to fly first-class again. Such a hassle", when in reality, they are bragging about their ability to afford expensive flights. Another example might be someone posting a photo of a new car they bought, but framing it as a problem by saying "Can't believe I have to learn how to drive stick now. Wish they made automatics for this model", even though they are really boasting about their new car.

Humblebragging can come across as insincere or even annoying to others who see through the false modesty. It is often seen as a form of self-promotion that is aimed at receiving attention, admiration, or validation from others, while still maintaining the appearance of humility.

2-Like and Run

Like and Run behavior, also known as "drive-by liking," refers to a type of social media behavior where a user quickly scrolls through their feed and "likes" multiple posts without actually engaging with the content or leaving a comment. The term "like and run" is derived from the idea that the user simply "drops" a like and then moves on to the next post without any further interaction or engagement.

This behavior can be seen as a form of social media "virtue signaling," where the user is attempting to show their support for their friends or acquaintances on social media without actually taking the time to read or engage with the content. It can also be used as a way to gain followers, as the user's name and profile picture are often displayed alongside the like, which can potentially attract more attention to their own profile.

While liking posts can be a positive way to show support or appreciation for content, the like and run behavior is often seen as shallow or insincere. It can make the user appear disinterested in the content, and can even be seen as a form of spamming or cluttering up the comment section. In some cases, it can also be used to hide or distract from negative comments or feedback on a post, as the user's likes can push the negative comments further down in the comment section. Overall, the like and run behavior can have a negative impact on the quality of engagement and conversation on social media.


Overposting behavior is a type of social media behavior where a user posts a large number of updates, often at a high frequency, in a short amount of time. This behavior can come in different forms, such as posting too many updates in a short period of time, or posting too many updates in a single day, or posting too many updates on a specific topic or theme.

One of the main reasons people overpost is because they crave attention and validation from others on social media. They might feel a need to constantly update their followers and friends with information about their lives, or they might feel the pressure to maintain a certain level of activity on their accounts to stay relevant and popular.

Another reason for overposting is to compensate for a lack of real-life social interaction or validation. Social media can provide an easy and convenient way for people to connect with others, especially during times when they might feel isolated or disconnected from others in their lives. Overposting can be a way for people to seek social interaction and validation online.

However, overposting can also have negative consequences. It can be seen as a form of spamming or cluttering up the newsfeeds of others, making it harder for people to find content they are interested in. It can also lead to burnout, where followers and friends become overwhelmed and stop engaging with the user's content altogether. Additionally, overposting can reveal too much personal information about a user, which can be potentially dangerous, especially when it comes to protecting their privacy and security.

4-Digital Hoarding

Digital hoarding behavior can also be specifically related to social media, where users accumulate large amounts of digital content related to their social media activities. This can include accumulating large numbers of followers, likes, or comments on their posts, as well as storing or saving digital content such as posts, messages, or images from their social media accounts.

Digital hoarding in the context of social media can be driven by the same factors that contribute to general digital hoarding, such as a desire to preserve memories or fear of missing out (FOMO). Additionally, social media platforms often encourage users to engage in digital hoarding behavior through features such as "saves" or "collections," which allow users to save and accumulate content for later viewing or use.

However, digital hoarding in the context of social media can also have specific consequences. For example, it can lead to social comparison and anxiety, where users feel pressure to accumulate more followers, likes, or comments than their peers. It can also lead to a loss of privacy, as users may store or save sensitive or confidential information related to their social media activities. Additionally, digital hoarding can take up a significant amount of storage space, which can slow down a person's device or cause other technical issues.

Furthermore, digital hoarding in the context of social media can also have negative impacts on mental health. Accumulating large amounts of digital content can lead to feelings of overwhelm and anxiety, especially if the content is not organized or managed properly. This can contribute to feelings of stress, and even lead to social media addiction.

In summary, digital hoarding behavior in the context of social media can have similar consequences as general digital hoarding, such as digital clutter and technical issues, as well as specific consequences related to social comparison, loss of privacy, and negative impacts on mental health.

5-Hashtag Overload

Hashtag overload behavior is a type of social media behavior where a user includes a large number of hashtags in their posts, often to the point of excess. Hashtags are a way for users to categorize their posts and make them more discoverable to other users who are searching for content related to specific topics or themes.

However, using too many hashtags can have negative consequences. It can make the post look spammy, and it can make it difficult for users to read or engage with the content. Hashtag overload can also make it harder for the post to be discovered by other users, as the post may be seen as less relevant or interesting due to the excessive use of hashtags.

Additionally, using irrelevant or excessive hashtags can also lead to backlash from other users or even social media platforms. Some platforms have guidelines that discourage the use of excessive or irrelevant hashtags, and using them can lead to the post being flagged or removed.

Despite these potential negative consequences, some users may engage in hashtag overload behavior as a way to increase the visibility of their posts or to gain more followers. They may also use hashtags as a form of self-expression, as a way to make a statement or to show support for a cause or movement.

To avoid hashtag overload, it is recommended that users choose a few relevant hashtags that are directly related to the content of their post. This can help make the post more discoverable without overwhelming the reader or being seen as spammy. It's also important to remember that the quality of the post's content is ultimately what will determine its success, not the number of hashtags used.

6-Virtue Signaling

Virtue signaling behavior is a type of social media behavior where a user publicly displays their support for a particular social or political cause or belief, often with the intention of gaining social approval or admiration from others. Virtue signaling can take many forms, such as sharing articles or posts about a cause, changing profile pictures or usernames to reflect support for a cause, or publicly expressing outrage or condemnation of a particular issue.

While showing support for a cause can be a positive thing, virtue signaling is often criticized as being disingenuous or insincere. This is because some people engage in virtue signaling primarily to show off their values or beliefs, rather than to actually make a positive difference in the world. Some may also engage in virtue signaling as a way to create a positive image of themselves, to appear more socially conscious or progressive than they really are.

Virtue signaling can also be criticized as being performative, meaning that it is done more for the benefit of the person engaging in the behavior, rather than for the benefit of the cause they are supporting. Critics argue that this type of behavior can distract from the actual issues at hand, and can even be harmful by giving people the impression that they are making a positive difference when they are not actually doing anything substantive.

Despite these criticisms, some people engage in virtue signaling as a way to encourage others to support important causes or to raise awareness about issues that may not otherwise receive attention. Virtue signaling can also be a way to start conversations about important topics and to mobilize people to take action for a particular cause.

In summary, virtue signaling behavior is a type of social media behavior where a user publicly displays their support for a particular cause or belief, often with the intention of gaining social approval or admiration from others. While this type of behavior can be positive, it is often criticized as being disingenuous or insincere, and can distract from the actual issues at hand.

7-Copy and Pasting

Copy and paste behavior on social media typically involves users copying and pasting content from one social media platform to another, or from one post to another on the same platform. This behavior can be seen in a variety of contexts, such as when users share news articles, blog posts, quotes, or memes with their followers or friends. There are several ethical concerns related to copy and paste behavior on social media. These include issues related to intellectual property, privacy, and misinformation.

One of the most significant ethical concerns related to copy and paste behavior on social media is plagiarism. When users copy and paste content from other sources without proper attribution or permission, they may be violating copyright laws and ethical standards. This can be particularly problematic for journalists, academics, and other professionals who are expected to produce original work and give proper credit to their sources.

Another ethical concern related to copy and paste behavior is privacy. Social media platforms often have policies around user-generated content, which can include sharing or reposting content without permission. When users copy and paste content from one platform to another or from one post to another, they may inadvertently share information that was meant to be private. This can lead to unintended consequences and breaches of privacy.

Misinformation is also a significant ethical concern related to copy and paste behavior on social media. When users copy and paste content without verifying its accuracy or checking the source, they can contribute to the spread of false or misleading information. This can be particularly dangerous in situations where misinformation can have real-world consequences, such as during a public health crisis or an election.

In addition, copy and paste behavior can sometimes contribute to the spread of hate speech, harassment, or other forms of harmful content. When users copy and paste content that contains offensive or discriminatory language, they may be contributing to a culture of intolerance and hate on social media.

To address these ethical concerns, it is important for social media users to be mindful of the content they share and to always give proper attribution and credit when sharing content from other sources. Social media platforms can also play a role in promoting ethical behavior by enforcing policies around plagiarism, copyright infringement, and the spread of misinformation.


Ghosting behavior on social media is a phenomenon that occurs when one user suddenly stops responding to another user's messages, comments, or other forms of engagement on social media without providing any explanation or closure. This can leave the other user feeling confused, hurt, or frustrated, and may even damage their relationship or sense of trust with the other person.

Ghosting can occur in a variety of contexts on social media. For example, it might happen in a dating situation, where one person suddenly stops responding to messages or calls from the other person without providing any explanation. Alternatively, ghosting might occur in a professional context, where a colleague or supervisor suddenly stops responding to emails or other forms of communication.

One of the reasons why ghosting behavior is particularly problematic on social media is that it can be difficult to know when to expect a response. Social media platforms often allow users to see when someone has read a message, which can create a sense of expectation around when the other person will respond. When that response doesn't come, it can be confusing and hurtful.

Another reason why ghosting on social media can be particularly harmful is that it can be difficult to move on from a relationship or interaction when there is no closure. Users who are ghosted may be left wondering what they did wrong, or why the other person suddenly stopped responding. This can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.

To address ghosting behavior on social media, it's important for users to be mindful of their own behavior and to communicate clearly with others. If someone is no longer interested in continuing a conversation or relationship, they should communicate that to the other person in a respectful and honest manner. On the other hand, if someone is being ghosted, it's important to recognize that it is not their fault and to focus on moving on and finding positive relationships and interactions with others.

9-FOMO Obsession

FOMO, or "fear of missing out," is a psychological phenomenon that has become increasingly prevalent in the age of social media. FOMO obsession on social media refers to the feeling of anxiety, stress, or sadness that people may experience when they perceive that others are having fun, enjoying experiences, or achieving success that they themselves are not a part of.

Social media can exacerbate FOMO in a number of ways. For example, people may see photos and updates from friends and acquaintances who are traveling, attending events, or achieving milestones, and feel as though they are missing out on those experiences. Additionally, social media platforms often have features like Stories, which provide a constant stream of updates that can make people feel as though they need to be "in the know" in order to feel connected to their social circle.

FOMO obsession on social media can have negative consequences for mental health and wellbeing. For example, people who are constantly checking social media for updates may experience feelings of anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem. They may also experience physical symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, or insomnia.

To address FOMO obsession on social media, it's important for individuals to be mindful of their own behavior and to take steps to limit their exposure to social media if it is having a negative impact on their mental health. This might include setting boundaries around social media use, such as only checking it at certain times of day, or turning off notifications. Additionally, people can focus on engaging in activities and experiences that bring them joy and fulfillment, rather than feeling as though they need to keep up with others on social media.

Social media platforms can also play a role in addressing FOMO obsession by promoting healthy social media use and discouraging behavior that can contribute to feelings of anxiety or low self-esteem. For example, platforms might consider implementing features that allow users to limit their exposure to certain types of content or notifications, or providing resources and support for users who are experiencing negative mental health outcomes related to social media use.

10-Comparison Trap

Comparison trap behavior on social media is a social media behavior that involves constantly comparing oneself to others based on their online posts and activities. Social media platforms can make it easy to compare oneself to others, as users are constantly bombarded with images and stories of others' seemingly perfect lives, accomplishments, and experiences.

One reason why people may fall into the comparison trap on social media is the desire to fit in or to feel accepted by their social circle. By comparing oneself to others, individuals may be seeking to conform to the norms and expectations of their social group, or to gain validation and approval from others.

However, the comparison trap can also have negative consequences for the individual's mental health and well-being. Constantly comparing oneself to others can lead to feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, and low self-esteem. Additionally, the comparison trap can create a negative online persona, where the individual is seen as envious, jealous, or resentful of others' success or achievements.

To avoid the negative consequences of comparison trap behavior, it's important for users to be mindful of their online interactions and to set realistic expectations for themselves. Users should focus on their own goals and accomplishments, and should avoid comparing themselves to others based on their online presence. Additionally, users should be aware of the potential consequences of their behavior, and should be prepared to take steps to address any negative feelings or emotions that may arise from their social media use.

11-Excessive Personal Posting

Excessive personal posting behavior is a social media behavior that involves sharing too much information about oneself, one's life, or one's opinions online. While social media platforms offer a space for individuals to share their thoughts and experiences with others, excessive personal posting can have negative consequences for both the individual and their relationships with others.

One reason why people may engage in excessive personal posting is to seek attention or validation from others. By sharing personal information or experiences online, individuals may be seeking to gain support or validation from their friends or followers. Additionally, individuals may be motivated by a desire to express themselves and to connect with others who share similar experiences or interests.

However, excessive personal posting can also have negative consequences for the individual and their relationships with others. For example, sharing too much personal information online can lead to privacy concerns, as well as potential harm or embarrassment if the information is shared with the wrong people. Additionally, excessive personal posting can create a negative online persona, where the individual is seen as self-centered, narcissistic, or attention-seeking.

To avoid the negative consequences of excessive personal posting behavior, it's important for users to be mindful of the content and frequency of their posts. Users should avoid sharing personal information that may be seen as too intimate or private, and should be respectful of others' boundaries and preferences. Additionally, users should consider the potential consequences of their behavior, and should be prepared to face consequences such as social ostracism or negative feedback from others if their behavior is seen as inappropriate or excessive.

12-Cryptic Posting

Cryptic posting behavior on social media is a phenomenon where a user posts vague or mysterious updates or messages without providing any context or explanation. These types of posts might be intentionally vague, with the user hoping to elicit responses or attention from their followers, or they might be the result of the user feeling like they can't or don't want to share certain information with their audience.

Cryptic posting behavior can have a number of negative consequences. For example, it can cause confusion or anxiety among the user's followers, who may be left wondering what the post means or what is going on with the user. It can also lead to speculation or gossip, with people speculating about the meaning of the post or trying to guess what is happening in the user's life. Additionally, cryptic posting can be seen as attention-seeking behavior, which can damage the user's relationships with their followers and may even lead to social isolation.

There are several reasons why someone might engage in cryptic posting behavior on social media. For example, they may be going through a difficult time and feel like they can't or don't want to share the details of their situation with their audience. They may also be trying to get attention or elicit responses from their followers, or they may simply enjoy being mysterious or cryptic in their communication style.

To address cryptic posting behavior on social media, it's important for users to be mindful of their own behavior and to communicate clearly and directly with their followers. If someone is going through a difficult time and doesn't feel comfortable sharing the details of their situation, they might consider refraining from posting altogether or being upfront about the fact that they are not able to share more information at this time. Alternatively, if someone is seeking attention or engagement from their followers, they might consider being more direct in their communication and asking for what they need.

Social media platforms can also play a role in addressing cryptic posting behavior by encouraging healthy and direct communication between users. For example, platforms might provide resources or support for users who are struggling with difficult situations, or they might implement features that encourage users to be more clear and direct in their communication. Additionally, platforms might consider developing guidelines or policies around cryptic posting behavior, in order to discourage attention-seeking behavior and promote healthy and productive interactions among users.


Stalking behavior on social media is a phenomenon where a person obsessively follows, tracks, or monitors another person's social media activity. This behavior can range from simply checking someone's profile frequently to actively harassing or threatening them online.

Social media platforms have made it easier than ever for people to keep tabs on others, whether it's a former partner, a friend, or even a complete stranger. With just a few clicks, someone can access another person's profile, see their photos and updates, and monitor their activity online.

Stalking behavior on social media can have a number of negative consequences for both the stalker and the person being stalked. For example, it can cause the person being stalked to feel anxious, fearful, or violated, and can even lead to physical harm in extreme cases. It can also damage the stalker's mental health and wellbeing, as they become increasingly fixated on another person and may experience feelings of jealousy, anger, or low self-esteem.

To address stalking behavior on social media, it's important for individuals to be aware of the signs of stalking and to take steps to protect themselves online. For example, they might consider making their social media profiles private, blocking or unfriending people who are engaging in stalking behavior, or reporting the behavior to the platform or law enforcement.

Social media platforms can also play a role in addressing stalking behavior by implementing policies and procedures that discourage or prevent stalking behavior. For example, they might provide resources or support for users who are experiencing stalking behavior, or they might implement features that allow users to block or report stalking behavior more easily. Additionally, platforms might consider developing educational resources or training materials that help users recognize the signs of stalking behavior and take steps to protect themselves and their online communities.

It's important to note that stalking behavior is not limited to social media and can occur through other means, such as phone calls, text messages, or in-person harassment. If someone is experiencing stalking behavior, it's important to seek help and support from trusted friends, family members, or professionals.

14-Multiple and Fake Profiling

Multiple and fake profile creating behavior on social media is a phenomenon where a user creates multiple accounts or profiles using fake information. This behavior can range from harmless fun to malicious activity, with users creating fake profiles to deceive or manipulate others online.

Creating multiple profiles or using fake information on social media can have a number of negative consequences. For example, it can undermine trust between users and damage relationships, particularly if someone is using a fake profile to deceive or manipulate others. It can also lead to confusion and chaos within online communities, as multiple profiles can make it difficult to determine who is who and what is going on. Additionally, creating multiple profiles or using fake information can violate the terms of service of social media platforms, which may result in suspension or termination of the user's accounts.

There are several reasons why someone might engage in multiple or fake profile creating behavior on social media. For example, they may want to hide their true identity or deceive others for personal gain or amusement. Alternatively, they may create multiple profiles in order to manage different aspects of their life, such as one profile for personal use and another for professional networking.

To address multiple and fake profile creating behavior on social media, it's important for users to be mindful of their own behavior and to respect the rules and guidelines of the platforms they are using. If someone feels the need to create multiple profiles, they might consider using different platforms for different purposes or finding other ways to manage their online presence. Additionally, if someone encounters a fake profile or believes that someone is using a fake profile to deceive or manipulate others, they should report the behavior to the platform or to law enforcement.

Social media platforms can also play a role in addressing multiple and fake profile creating behavior by implementing policies and procedures that discourage or prevent this type of behavior. For example, they might require users to verify their identity in order to create an account, or they might use automated tools to identify and remove fake profiles. Additionally, platforms might consider developing educational resources or training materials that help users understand the importance of transparency and honesty online, and the potential risks associated with multiple or fake profile creating behavior.

15-Flame Fighting

"Flame wars" on social media refer to heated, often aggressive arguments or disputes that take place between users online. These can be triggered by a wide range of topics, from political disagreements to personal opinions and beliefs. Flame wars often escalate quickly and can become emotionally charged, with users exchanging insults, threats, and other forms of negative communication.

The behavior of flame wars on social media can have a number of negative consequences for both the individuals involved and the wider online community. Flame wars can be harmful to people's mental health and wellbeing, causing stress, anxiety, and even depression. They can also damage relationships, undermine trust, and create a hostile or toxic atmosphere within online communities. Additionally, flame wars can discourage people from participating in online conversations or sharing their views, which can limit the diversity of perspectives and opinions that are represented online.

There are several reasons why flame wars occur on social media. One factor is the anonymity and distance that social media platforms provide, which can make it easier for people to express their views without fear of immediate consequences. Additionally, flame wars can be driven by a desire for attention or validation, or by a need to defend one's beliefs or opinions.

To address flame wars on social media, it's important for users to be mindful of their own behavior and to take steps to promote positive and respectful communication online. This might include avoiding negative or inflammatory language, refraining from personal attacks, and actively seeking to understand others' perspectives. It's also important for users to recognize when a conversation is becoming unproductive or harmful and to disengage from the discussion if necessary.

Social media platforms can also play a role in addressing flame wars by implementing policies and procedures that encourage positive communication and discourage negative behavior. For example, platforms might develop community guidelines or codes of conduct that promote respectful communication and provide clear consequences for users who engage in flame wars or other forms of negative behavior. Additionally, platforms might use automated tools or human moderators to monitor conversations and identify and remove content that violates community guidelines.

Overall, it's important for users and platforms alike to take steps to promote positive communication and create a safe and welcoming online environment for everyone. By working together, we can reduce the prevalence of flame wars and other negative behavior on social media and create a more positive and productive online community.

16-Collectionist Herding

Collecting a large number of online friends or followers that one does not know in real life is a common social media behavior that can have both positive and negative consequences. While having a large number of online friends or followers can make users feel popular or well-connected, it can also lead to privacy and security concerns, as well as a potential loss of quality in social media interactions.

One reason why people may engage in this behavior is to increase their social influence or to expand their network. For example, a user may add friends or followers they do not know in order to appear more popular or influential online, or to reach a wider audience for their content. In some cases, users may also add people they do not know as a way to connect with others who share their interests or hobbies.

However, there are several potential negative consequences to collecting a large number of online friends or followers that one does not know in real life. One issue is that having a large number of online connections can make it difficult to manage one's online presence and to maintain meaningful relationships. For example, users may struggle to keep up with the large volume of messages, notifications, and other interactions that come with having a large number of online friends or followers. Additionally, having many online connections can dilute the quality of interactions, as it may be difficult to engage in meaningful conversations or to form strong bonds with individuals in the midst of a large online community.

Another issue with collecting a large number of online friends or followers that one does not know is the potential for privacy and security risks. Users who add strangers as friends or followers may be opening themselves up to unwanted attention, harassment, or even fraud or identity theft.

Additionally, users who share personal information or sensitive data with a large number of online connections may be putting themselves at risk of cybercrime or other forms of exploitation. To address the potential risks and downsides of collecting a large number of online friends or followers, it's important for users to be mindful of their online behavior and to consider the quality, rather than the quantity, of their online connections. Users should also be careful about sharing personal information or sensitive data online, and should take steps to protect their privacy and security. Additionally, users may want to consider limiting the number of online connections they have, or being more selective about the individuals they choose to add as friends or followers.

Overall, collecting a large number of online friends or followers that one does not know can be a double-edged sword, with potential benefits and risks. By being mindful of the potential downsides and taking steps to mitigate risks, users can make the most of their online connections and maintain a safe and positive online presence.

17-Excessive Interacting

Excessively "liking" or commenting on someone's posts or photos is a social media behavior that can have both positive and negative effects. While expressing appreciation and support for others' posts can foster positive relationships and build social capital, doing so excessively may be seen as annoying, intrusive, or even obsessive.

One reason why people may engage in this behavior is to get attention or to show support for a friend or acquaintance. By liking or commenting on someone's posts or photos, a user can indicate that they are interested in what the person is sharing, and may also signal their support or approval. This can help to strengthen social ties and build trust, particularly if the user is careful to offer genuine and thoughtful feedback.

However, excessively liking or commenting on someone's posts or photos can also have negative consequences. For example, it may be seen as annoying or intrusive, particularly if the user is not particularly close to the person whose posts they are liking or commenting on. Additionally, excessive liking or commenting can be seen as a form of obsession or stalking, particularly if the user is consistently commenting on a specific individual's posts or photos.

Another issue with excessively liking or commenting on someone's posts or photos is the potential for miscommunication or misunderstanding. For example, a user who likes or comments on every post or photo from a particular individual may be seen as overly familiar, even if they do not intend it that way. Additionally, excessive liking or commenting may be interpreted as a sign of romantic interest, particularly if the user is liking or commenting on posts that are particularly personal or intimate.

To avoid the potential downsides of excessively liking or commenting on someone's posts or photos, it's important for users to be mindful of their online behavior and to respect the boundaries of others. Users should consider the context and frequency of their likes and comments, and should be mindful of how their behavior may be perceived by others. Additionally, users should be careful not to overstep social boundaries, and should avoid using social media as a means of expressing romantic or sexual interest unless they are confident that the other person shares those feelings.

Overall, excessively liking or commenting on someone's posts or photos can be a tricky social media behavior to navigate. By being mindful of others' boundaries and preferences, and by offering genuine and thoughtful feedback, users can use social media to strengthen relationships and build social capital without being seen as intrusive or obsessive.

18-Gatecrasher Messaging

Sending excessive and unsolicited messages or friend requests to strangers is a social media behavior that can be seen as intrusive, annoying, or even threatening. While some users may engage in this behavior in an attempt to build their social network or meet new people, it can have negative consequences, particularly if the user is not respectful of others' boundaries or preferences.

One reason why people may engage in this behavior is to build their social network or to connect with people who share their interests or hobbies. By sending messages or friend requests to strangers, a user can potentially expand their circle of friends and acquaintances, and may be able to participate in online communities or groups that align with their interests. However, this behavior can also be seen as intrusive, particularly if the user is sending excessive or repeated messages or friend requests to the same individual or group.

Excessive and unsolicited messages or friend requests can also be seen as threatening or harassing, particularly if the user is not respectful of others' boundaries or preferences. For example, a user who sends a large number of messages or friend requests to someone who has indicated that they are not interested in connecting may be seen as aggressive or even stalking. Additionally, users who send sexually explicit or inappropriate messages may be subject to legal action, particularly if the messages are seen as threatening or harassing.

To avoid the potential downsides of sending excessive and unsolicited messages or friend requests, it's important for users to be respectful of others' boundaries and preferences. Users should avoid sending messages or friend requests to strangers unless they have a legitimate reason for doing so, and should be mindful of how their behavior may be perceived by others. Additionally, users should avoid using social media as a means of expressing romantic or sexual interest unless they are confident that the other person shares those feelings.

19-Overdose and Controversial Expressing

Overdose and controversial expressing is a social media behavior that can have negative consequences for both the individual and their relationships with others. While social media platforms offer a space for individuals to express themselves freely and to engage in open discussions with others, oversharing controversial opinions or beliefs can lead to conflict, ostracism, and even harm to others.

One reason why people may engage in this behavior is to express their personal beliefs or opinions on a particular issue, and to potentially engage in debate or discussion with others who may share or disagree with their views. By sharing their views openly, individuals may be able to engage in meaningful dialogue with others and may be able to learn from different perspectives. However, oversharing controversial opinions or beliefs can also lead to conflict, particularly if the individual's views are seen as offensive, hurtful, or harmful to others.

Another issue with oversharing controversial opinions or beliefs is the potential for social ostracism or harm to others. For example, if an individual shares views that are racist, sexist, or homophobic, they may be seen as offensive or harmful to members of marginalized communities. This can lead to negative social consequences, such as the individual being ostracized or facing backlash from others. Additionally, sharing opinions that are seen as controversial or offensive can lead to the spread of harmful misinformation or conspiracy theories, which can have real-world consequences for individuals or communities.

To avoid the potential downsides of oversharing controversial opinions or beliefs, it's important for users to be mindful of how their behavior may be perceived by others. Users should consider the potential consequences of their words and actions, and should be careful not to share opinions or beliefs that are seen as harmful or offensive to others.


Trolling behavior on social media is a deliberate and often provocative action designed to provoke emotional responses or to disrupt online conversations. Trolls typically engage in behavior that is intended to be offensive, hurtful, or inflammatory in order to provoke strong reactions from others. While trolling behavior may be intended to be humorous or satirical, it can have negative consequences for both the troll and their victims.

One reason why people engage in trolling behavior is to gain attention or to express their frustration or dissatisfaction with a particular issue or group. By engaging in provocative or inflammatory behavior, trolls may be able to attract attention to themselves and their views. Additionally, trolls may be motivated by a desire to disrupt online conversations or to challenge social norms or expectations.

However, trolling behavior can also have negative consequences for the individual and their victims. For example, trolling can cause emotional distress for victims, particularly if the behavior is seen as offensive or hurtful. Trolling can also create a toxic online environment, where individuals may feel unsafe or uncomfortable participating in online conversations or communities.

To avoid the negative consequences of trolling behavior, it's important for users to be mindful of their behavior online. Users should avoid engaging in behavior that is intended to be hurtful, inflammatory, or disruptive, and should be respectful of others' boundaries and preferences. Additionally, users should be aware of the potential consequences of their behavior, and should be prepared to face consequences such as social ostracism or legal action if their behavior is seen as harmful or offensive.

Overall, trolling behavior on social media is a social media behavior that should be avoided. By engaging in respectful and appropriate online interactions, users can participate in online communities and conversations without causing harm or offense to others.

Some Other Disturbing Behaviors

Liking or commenting on their own posts.
Constantly refreshing their social media feed to stay updated on the latest posts.
Posting images or videos of their meals before eating.
Posting their entire life on social media, including private and intimate moments.
Using social media to brag about their accomplishments, possessions, or experiences.
Posting selfies or photos that are heavily edited or filtered to enhance their appearance.
Posting false or misleading information without fact-checking.
Posting photos or videos of other people without their consent.
Using social media to publicly shame or criticize others.
Continuously changing their profile picture or bio to appear different or more interesting.
Ignoring or neglecting real-life responsibilities in favor of social media.
Posting comments or messages in all caps to express excitement or frustration.
Posting frequent updates on their fitness or workout routine, including progress pictures and workout stats.
Following, unfollowing, and then refollowing someone repeatedly to get their attention or to manipulate their follower count.
Participating in "click farms" or paying for fake followers or engagement to artificially boost their social media presence.